Jacob and Ezekiel fight some of the killers. Jenkins meets them in the field and says the stories will become more powerful and that they can be changed by the reader, and eventually entire nations will be affected by this book. Flynn explains to Eve and the team the Western Dragons have a stronghold in Rome and that they might have hidden the stolen pearl there. Eve makes the three Librarian trainees do a training exercise where they have to cross a dark storage room. Jacob explains to the group the town was invented by the founder of electricity. Cassandra says they are the Librarians. However Lamia joined sides with Cassandra and killed Dulaque. The group suddenly hears a storm behind the magical door and they prepare for battle. Lamia used the Crown to control Excalibur and stabbed Flynn in the stomach. Eve challenges the three Librarian trainees to cross a dark storage room. Lucinde asks them who they are and they introduce themselves as the Librarians, which makes Lucinde think they are the judges. On the courtyard Cassandra recognizes a pattern of stones and steps on them to activate a door, with the help of Jacob. Jacob Stone Cassandra Cillian is a former hospital janitor at Saint Francis Episcopal Hospital in New York, and currently one of The Librarians . Seeing a picture of the timeline Eve says she saw Dulaque cut the timeline. She tries to force him to tell her how to help the poisoned Santa, however he simply lets go and falls out of the plane. They see three goths walking around and Ezekiel explains how students form packs to keep other people down. The team learns they are cursed and the Minotaur can now also hunt them in the streets. The Librarians S 3 E 08 And The Eternal Question. In terms of magic, this whole season Cassandras been very pro using it. The Librarians and Amy form a pentagram around the group to absorb the magic as they all keep metal table leg up. If they manage to remove the relics the labyrinth will disappear. Jacob is surprised as Flynn grabs Excalibur and goes off to protect the crown against Lamia and the intruders. Cassandra shows a picture of 1915 was Mabel is on it. The magical book is revealed to be blank except for a drawing of the trapped Librarian. He tries to grab the book however the old man grabs his wrist and throws him away with superhuman power. At the Annex Flynn explains that the pharaohs used pyramids as passageways to the afterlife. executive story editor (4 episodes, 2015) . The clippings book shows that multiple people have gone missing. She then kicked him to the floor and wanted to kill him with a katana. Jacob meets Mabel who came from Paris and the two talk in French. This decision resulted in her betraying Flynn and opening the Library. Do you think thats something Cassandra might pursue in the future? They realize the night cap is part of the wolf. He enjoys buying things on eBay and loves flying kites. They figured out The Serpent Brotherhood was killing off potential Librarians and that they wanted to bring magic back into the world. The group starts to look for something magical and the students are explaining their stances. Ezekiel engages the body snatched citizens and keeps them off. Flynn explains a representative of the Eastern Dragons: Mr. Drake will be here any minute. The group looks at the library as Flynn says it feels like home. The team realizes they are becoming archetypes as Jacob becomes a huntsman with an ax, Eve starts to look like a princess and Cassandra becomes Prince Charming. She kicks him to the edge of the plane and holds his hand. It is working and Flynn says Jenkins was right about the pyramids however Jenkins says he never send him any notes. She easily subdues Jacob. They are unable to approach the generator but Jacob holds on to Mabel which grounds him so the electricity does not kill him. All of a sudden the gift not only returns but in an exponentially expanded form, no longer being needed to be called upon but seeming to work as an extension of Cassandra herself. Jacob picks up the pearl and locks the team up in the room with a trapdoor before walking away with a strange light in his eyes. Katie tries to kill Cassandra however Cassandra suddenly wields the hatchet. Jacob talks to the bullies that tried to be with Amy. Eve and Santa come in and Dulaque forces her to give him Santa or they will kill them all. Flynn uses the storybook to get the library back. The group says goodbye as Eve and Flynn go to the loom of fate. Cassandra grinned and pressed the carotid artery of a horrified Lamia and makes her pass out. Eve says he did not mention that. They manage to escape after Ezekiel blew up the Brotherhoods helicopter. Waking up Jenkins, Eve, and Flynn is gone. Eve, Santa and Jacob reach the plane and Santa mentions he can fly the plane. Cassandra developed a good relationship with the rest of the team, particularly with Jacob and Ezekiel. She then quickly disappears. Flynn tells her she should not give up as the others also did not give up. She motions them to where they can find the energy source. Ezekiel talks to Stone as he says the house can make them rich as they are out of the toy house. With information from the goth boy, Jacob learns that most people hated Amy because she was the front runner in this kind of competition. Ezekiel says they better flee, however Eve ignores him. What can we expect for Cassandra in the next couple of episodes?Well, were getting very close to the end. Occupation When she asks how she can earn his trust back, he says he's fine with the way it is. The group travels to the fair as Cassandra is excited about the cutting edge developments there. Cassandra tells him that he is older than everyone, and that they have more in common than he thinks. The wolves track them and they quickly go to the library. Jenkins explains that it is a wish-fulfilling spell, so whatever the user of the phone wishes will have a magical influence. The group splits up to check the rooms. Cassandra talks to Ezekiel and he asks where her trophies are. Cassandra is annoyed they not let her go in, Eve tries to explain but Katie runs in and the group follow her. Eve and Jacob wonder why the ghost stays hidden. She was shown to be a bit nave as she joined the Serpent Brotherhood believing they shared her vision. Eve comes in and convinces the guards to leave with her ATO badge, as Flynn checks out Jacob. Shes produced content for the likes of Culture Trip, WhatCulture and Prague.TV and started writing for Screen Rant in 2019 firstly as a news writer before progressing onto writing mini-features. Eve saved him and after a brawl, they managed to escape and went to the library. The plane gets boarded by Lamia and Dulaque. She wants to help the world and hopes to be saved from her medical condition with magic. Jacob says he is fine working with her he just does not trust her. Shes always just really embraced it and been attracted to it. The sheriff and his man freeze, however, Jacob grabs an ax and throws it at the wolf, hitting him in the neck and killing him. When Jacob cuts the wolf open there is a young woman in it. Lamia and Dulaque quickly capture everyone and sabotage the plane as they prepare to leave with Santa. Ezekiel follows Eve who points him towards people who are being taken over by energized human forms. Jenkins explains to the team there must be a artifact that causes this situation. Her friends reassure her that it was not the tumor that the Library chose but Cassandra herself. Cassandra says the hallways do not make sense and they somehow got lost. Ezekiel uses a detector for magic and traces the magic to a phone and steels it. Her mother tries to stop her but she says it is her life. Stone, Eve, Ezekiel and Cassandra get out and help her. Jacob sees lamps and asks her what she is doing. The group then started to look for Cassandra. Cassandra returns to the Vida de la luz to see Estrella, who is glad that Cassandra is okay, to which Cassandra tells her that she is part of the reason that she is, citing: You reminded me, that what defines us isn't what we're born into, it's what we chose to be. Cassandra and Ezekiel talk about how Cassandra was when she was young. The team comes together and Eve and Ezekiel say it is a troll, however Cassandra and Jacob say it is more. Lindy Booth was born on April 2, 1979, in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Ezekiel returns for Cassandra, however the CEO shows up again. She and Estrella seem to share a special bond, not just over the complexities and significance of the spa, she even opens up to her and relays the real reason why she and her companions are there. Eve is in bad shape as she has a black eye and is hurt. The team wants to find the book in the library, however Ezekiel thinks the sick girl is involved. The magical book is revealed to be blank except for a drawing of the trapped Librarian. To his surprise it is Eve and he kisses her which surprises her. Jacob says it looks like they got into a basement. Cassandra says she did not mind having all these girls buying her drinks, and Eve says she likes her hair is normal again. Cassandra realizes the labyrinth has expanded and Boston is now also a part of it. Her battle is over, but the bigger battle has only just begun. Alive For Cassandra, it was that she only hid, instead of engaged her. The group goes to a town where a alien investigator went missing. All the scenes with Cassandra and Jake. The Librarians Jacob's taught himself to read Greek text. Ezekiel mentions he would sell out the human race if some superior race would show up. Lamia says she looks different and Cassandra laughs at her and says she has no idea. As the Library began to fold up, she and the Serpents quickly escaped. Eve is skeptical about all the robot stuff and asks why there is no baking soda volcano. Jacob mentions they can use the ball of rope from the labyrinth and the magical app from Morgan Le Fay to help get back the library. The three Librarians work together and transport the group back to the world of Eve. Eve wants Cassandra to stay with Katie while she, Ezekiel and Stone will enter the house. Eve is doubtful what kind of threat could be at a science fair. Jacob, Ezekiel, and Cassandra confront them. He says he likes his friends and family but does not trust them enough to tell them about his real passions. The librarian also states to Fogg that the others are free to go but we own Alice for breaking her deal. Jacob asks her to trust him and they are here to help the town. Cassandra realizes the house can talk to her as well. Opening the doors they see the library is back again. He gives them the goggles that allow them to see energy manifestations like Eve. Cassandra and the others find out all the missing people were interns at the Golden Axe Company. Her nose starts to bleed and Ezekiel hands her a handkerchief. She has a brain tumor, diagnosed in childhood, which causes pain if she thinks hard enough. Jenkins explains that it is a wish fulfilling spell, so that whatever the user of the phone wishes will have a magical influence. Cassandra and Ezekiel ask a student where Amy is, however he starts to cough up flies and has to be taken to the hospital. Cassandra says they can go through the doors and that they can reach the loom of fate. Eve tells Cassandra and Katie to leave the house and go to Jenkins with the car. Jacob helps her focus, but she gets lost in her calculation, however, he recognizes the difference between the stones and opens the door. Ezekiel and Jacob bring the wolf to the annex where Jenkins helps them with the autopsy. However, Jacob sees a toy house standing on the table. Eve tells Jacob to leave as she distracts the Minotaur. Jacob and the team manage to let Ezekiel steal the apple from Flynn, who then manages to de-escalate the situation and recover the faith of the faction heads in the library. The group suddenly hears a storm behind the magical door and they prepare for battle. Eve calls Cassandra and she and Ezekiel discuss how they should find other magical stances. Eve says she would break his bones if he does. Their plan succeeds and they manage to protect the kid while they pretend it was an experiment of Amy going out of control. She strips to her undergarments and tosses the dress away. Eve is doubtful what kind of threat could be at a science fair. Offers may be subject to change without notice. ; Chick Magnet: There's Nicole, Lana, Emily, and Simone, from the films and then Eve in the first . A lot of what this season has been about has been Bairds quest to push the Librarians towards the future versions of themselves that she saw at the end of season one. Lamia said they would and that they would control the magic coming back into the world. The group looks at the library as Flynn says it feels like home. Eve and the team look for a puzzle that shows the entrance to the dragon stronghold. Series Details Cassandra says Ezekiel is a UFO geek. The group quickly fled the house and Katie asks them who they are. Eve searches the Annex as Cassandra mentions to Flynn he cares for her but that no matter what she will die in the end. She was shown saving someone by using her gifts and making the proper diagnose. She explains there was a town build here before. Cassandra / stand-in: Charlotte (3 episodes, 2016) Eddy Bobadilla . They bring the woman to the hospital where Eve and Ezekiel pretend they found her in the woods. The group is unable to find Ezekiel who is now gone. Its funny, working with Noah [Wyle] as a director, I dont think we even brought that up. Eve complains that he cannot just burst in and start to give orders as it undermines her authority towards the Librarians. Jacob tells them about the myth and they realize the interns are representing the virgins. Mr. Drake says Ezekiel is the spokesperson for the library as he spoke to him first. Eve calls Cassandra and she and Ezekiel discuss how they should find other magical stances. Upon waking Cassandra tries to use her gift, of which, is no longer active, much to her dismay. Cassandra explains to Amy she has an app on her phone however Amy says she did not use it and got it from her mom who got it from some site. Eve says she Stone and Ezekiel will go in as Cassandra and Katie wait outside. Ezekiel says they better flee, however, Eve ignores him. The Sheriff mentions the wolf got stolen after Ezekiel was at the bar. The group calls Jenkins who tells them that the broken lay lines are contained but the house is the house of legends where different people got killed. Jacob says they are from the library and investigate traffic flow. Eve shoots the Minotaur however it gets back up and the team locks themselves in a room and manages to escape through a magical door created by Jenkins. The Mayor runs off and Jacob and Cassandra asks the sheriff if there are any other weird problems recently. Jacob stands in the middle of a house before Ezekiel who plays video games. Eve asks her what happened and she says a man attacked them. Cassandra, Ezekiel and Jacob get overpowered and taken hostage. The team gets the civilians to the local library to protect them. Eve engages the Minotaur in hand to hand combat. Eve sees one stance with a volcano however the student thinks he is not good enough, after which Eve gives him an encouraging speech. However, since Judson broke the connection this is all they have for now. Cassandra gets confused however Ezekiel helps her and reminds her how she saved Flynn instead of healing herself and that she helps people. Cassandra tells Eve they want to investigate. Cassandra explains she was like that in the past but could not perform up to the dream her parents had for her. They decide they have to contain the magic that comes towards the kids. Without the sleigh, the team arranges a plane to pick them up. Although her actions were understandable, Cassandra betraying the trust of the other Librarians was something that took time to repair. He then started a fight with the guards over this. He has, from long experience, a cynical, even pessimistic view of the world, telling Cassie early on, "I like you, Cassie, I really do - I just don't trust you.". While Eve and Ezekiel go try to find the troll. Ezekiel says he stole some prices when he was young. Jacob and Mabel talk and she says she stayed around as the gas laps are the only thing that keep her into this world. Amy decides to help them so they can form a pentagram. The Minotaur appears in the form of a huge biker and knocks Jacob and Eve over. With her intelligence and her lack of pretension, she exemplifies how to write excellent female characters without relying on tropes. Katie starts to sing as she has a devious look on her face. Alias(es) Ezekiel is skeptical about why they should investigate it. Eve tells them she is in a room with Minoan relics. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 The Labyrinth 1.2 Saving Santa 1.3 Preventing the Dragon Apocalypse 1.4 Fairy tales coming Alive 1.5 Encountering Morgan Le Fay 1.6 The Haunted House 1.7 The City of Light 1.8 Loom of Fate They manage to find mystical stones. Cassandra is able to recognize a pattern and figure out the labyrinth. It is revealed they took the dollhouse with them. Over the course of his studies, he had gained several Ph.D's and honorary degrees from universities across the world all the while keeping his achievements and intellect a secret to his family, especially his father. A man's strange death by exploding into flames send Jake, Cassandra and Ezekiel to a wellness retreat like no other. If you look at the books they are all part of the same series of book by looks. Eve and Ezekiel engage the Brotherhood as Flynn and Jacob use an improvised blow torch to open the locked-up crown. He says the book will take energy from the people around it and that they have to search for sick people. Eve explains to the group that Morgan Le Fay made the app. They ask her what is going on and she says there is something horrible in the house. She tells Jenkins they need more training as they can not handle themselves in the field yet--she can't protect three people at once. Stone finds the hatchet but it somehow disappears when he tries to pick it up. The group splits up and Ezekiel starts to act weird and sings and bakes cookies as he wears Santa's hat. Eve and Jacob sneak in the place, where Jacob recognizes the rare and expensive antiques displayed. He says the book will take energy from the people around it and that they have to search for sick people. The group tells them as they try to find anything magical. Shes the one out of all of them that leaped into it open-heartedly, as she does to almost everything. Flynn says the Crown was created by Merlyn to give Arthur control over magic, and that the Brotherhood wants to find it to bring magic back. Even and Jacob start to look for the three goths they saw earlier. Jacob sees lamps and asks her what she is doing. Cassandra was taken to London and met Delaque who told her about how they were going to bring magic back and make the world a better place. Cassandra Cillian Was that a possibility? It's taken three seasons, but The Librarians ' Cassandra Cillian no longer has anything to (currently) worry about: The life-threatening tumor that once resided in her brain has now been taken. Dulaque says he is going to take Santa and kill them. At the Annex Flynn explains that the Pharaohs used pyramids as passage ways to the afterlife. All the while sadistically explaining what she does to her and that she uses only only the minimum amount of pressure with each poke. Dulaque quickly captures Ezekiel and Cassandra. When people started asking me who I saw Cassandra being shipped with, I was like, Jenkins. I was sort of half-joking, half-serious. They see the pope and quickly get out as the cops chase them. Cassandra says she does not understand why he brought her towards them. Instead, she dove into the Librarians latest mission - investigating a mysterious holistic spa linked to a death by spontaneous combustion. She explains her parents destroyed them after she was diagnosed with the tumor because they believed it would be a painful reminder that she wasn't who she used to be anymore. He explains he felt obliged to run the family company and used it as an excuse to not do anything. Its been such a presence in her mind, literally, and such a part of who she is for almost her whole life. She had some trouble adapting to her new role and Eve her military way of handling things, saying that she was not a soldier. The team encounters the Minotaur. Cassandra gives them magical scrolls which can contain the magic and need to be anchored in the house. Cassandra says the broken lay lines are on the place where Katie came from. Ezekiel asks him where he learned that and Jacob says he does not know. The group enters the house and starts to clear the rooms. The group checks out a pyramid. Affiliation Amy says she wants to be just normal and does not care much about success. "[[And the Echoes of memory.]" https://thelibrarians.fandom.com/wiki/And_the_Echoes_of_Memory, The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines, The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice, Jacob loves a good bar brawl (particularly at Christmas). Mabel says there is something wrong and they are not Librarians. I belive that cassandra is actually our alice. The Librarians The team manages to get the pearl which stops the traps from shooting. Portrayed by The final world is, of course, the one where Cassandra is the Librarian. Eve experiences countless situations in an instant and gives people the gift of hope. says the actress. He flees as they chase him and hits a lamp that stops them. Flynn shows up and makes the mummies disappear by removing their medallions. Baird takes Flynn aside to talk to him in private but Flynn says there is no time for it because a representative of the Eastern Dragons, Mr. Drake will be here any minute. Katie says they are in Nevada and Cassandra says they are in Slovakia. Jacob asks her to trust him and they are here to help the town. Flynn spots a pattern in the pine trees around the stones. They see the Pope and quickly get out as the cops chase them. And that this sarcophagus holds the key to it. Cassandra says it would be unlikely earth would be the only planet with some form of life. . When Dulaque attempted to steal the library Eve got stabbed and died in his arms. The group enters the house and start to clear the rooms. The room is booby-trapped and arrows are shot at anything that makes a sound. Eve and Jacob distract Lamia and Dulaque while Ezekiel and Cassandra free Santa and escape. He locks it away as he tells them it was from Thomson Dieter. They find a Stonehenge-like circle with an iron vault where the crown is stored. Judson and Charlene activate a mechanism that destroys the connection and sacrifice themselves in the process. Ezekiel says stealing bodies is just wrong. Jacob and Mabel manage to get close enough to the generator and Mabel shut it down which also removes the connection between the citizens and this world. They prepare the lamps as best as possible and then try to perform the process to bring them back. They run away and call Eve. Librarians talk about if they will help them. Jenkins explains a doorway as they have to other dimensions. Cassandra turns on the radio and Ezekiel does not like the song, but Cassandra says she wants to listen it. The two find the troll and Ezekiel takes a sample. The team manages to find the building where Cassandra met Dulaque before during the events with Excalibur. Cassandra says her tumor makes her useful but unreliable. The entire football team has become wolves. Jacob asks Mabel if she knows what the light pole does in the forest. Cassandra notices a moving wall, which is actually a dragon who tells them he did not steal the pearl, Flynn tells Eve the dragon cannot lie so someone must have framed them. Ezekiel engages the body-snatched citizens and keeps them off. Lamia says Eve is a poor guardian as Flynn had to save her. The team enters the space and finds a room where the pearl is stored. Eve and Cassandra have a drink at the bar where the wolf is stored. The group is at the Annex where Jenkins says it is crazy that they managed to lose their guardian. Her mother tries to stop her but she says it is her life. Ezekiel shows Jacob the pictures hanging on the walls and says he wished the video games because he got bored. Jacob agrees and says he would love to help people like this. Lucinda explains the fair will go on and casually mentions that the fair seems to be cursed this year. After the previous Librarian Edward Wilde faked his death Jacob became the new Librarian. I hope people feel that at the end of the episode, too. They explain they took over bodies to work on creating a solution. They realize Stone is gone. Lucinde explains that they promote science and offer a scholarship and internships to the winner of the fair. He is finding magical artifacts to keep them safe. Cassandra's burgundy floral skirt on The Librarians. Jacob says the pictures are ancient and the house is actually good. However he believes it is not that weird. Jacob realizes the stones can be used to teleport them back to their timeline. And that this sarcophagus holds the key to it. Dulaque seemed to have expected them as he suddenly appears. He gives her a card with his home number, in case she changes her mind, before she leaves the hospital. They introduce themselves to Sheriff Heyer. In the fight, Jacob drops the pearl and it breaks open and reveals a golden apple. Jenkins explains Eve got caught in some kind of energy field but he is not sure what. Lucinda explains that they promote science and offer a scholarship and internships to the winner of the fair. The only job she could hold was working at a hospital as a janitor which is where Eve and Flynn found her. The team realizes they are stuck in the labyrinth. He is one of my comedy heroes. Jenkins meets them in the field and says the stories will become more powerful and that they can be changed by the reader, and eventually entire nations will be affected by this book. The wolves break in and Cassandra stands on the table and gives a rousing speech as they prepare to fight them. Its a really hard thing to handle, especially on a show like this. Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding. She explains her name is Katie and she and her friends were in the house. While acting as the librarian Eve Bairdbecame her guardian. They have till midnight to do this. However he cut it but did not reweave it so the fabric of history became frail. They use a magical door that allows them to travel to any door in the world. They hear a doorbell and Flynn tries to stop Ezekiel from opening the door, however he opens it believing it to be the pizza guy. Eve shoots an "L" in Morse code in the air to guide them towards her. He then went to a museum where he began to move around paintings because the way they were displayed was offensive to his artistic sensibilities. Ezekiel taunts the sheriff about the town being meaningless. Jenkins explains a doorway like they have to other dimensions. They later went back to the library, where Flynn told them he had decided to create new rules for the library and that all of them would be trained as librarians, while Eve would protect them during their missions. The team starts to look for sick people and curious cases. Jacob, Eve, Ezekiel, and Cassandra get out and help her. She tells Jenkins that she feels the reason why Jenkins is saying no to her advances is because that she will die someday, and ultimately he will be hurt, calling him a coward believing he is too afraid to start something for that reasoning. They figured out the human race if some superior race would show up the wolves track them and they not... They found her help them so they can go through the doors that! X27 ; S burgundy floral skirt on the walls and says she looks different and get. Episodes, 2016 ) Eddy Bobadilla I saw Cassandra being shipped with, I who does cassandra end up with in the librarians think we even that... 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