Closed Captioning Samples and Prices

Timed Text

This is bare-boned closed captioning on low budget. No frills, just good clean fun, as we call it.

  • Captions will be placed at the center-bottom of the screen.
  • Captions will be maximum of 32 characters.
  • Change of speaker will be denoted with a single dash (-).
  • Italics: Captions will be italicized only for narrator.
  • Music symbols will be added when music is present.

$5.00 per minute

Timed Text
Closed Captioning
Sample Video

Center Pop-On Closed Captioning

Suitable for documentaries and other non-fiction content.

  • Captions will be placed at the center-bottom of the screen.
  • Center placed captioning will be moved to the top position if covering a graphic).
  • Speakers will be ID’d if they are speaking off screen.
  • Italics: Captions will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music symbols: Music symbols will be added when music is present.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$6.00 per minute

Center Pop-On
Closed Captioning
Sample Video

Pop-On Closed Captioning

This is the most comprehensive kind of closed captioning that in which the captions are placed closer to the person talking.

  • Captions will be placed close to the person speaking.
  • Speakers will be ID’d if they are speaking off screen.
  • Italics: Captions will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music symbols: Music symbols will be added when music is present.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$7.00 per minute

Placed Pop-On
Closed Captioning
Sample Video

Live Broadcast
Closed Captioning

  • News, spots, live shows, debates, fund raising shows.
  • Certified live captioners with years of experience.
  • Telephone lines or over internet.

$95.00 for half hour
$150.00 per hour

Subtitling Samples and Prices

Over 200 languages

One pass: translation done by our certified translators with target language as their mother tongue

Two pass: an additional round of editing by another certified translator


One Pass (per minute)

Two Pass (per minute)

English → Arabic



English → Chinese (simplified text)



English → Chinese (traditional text)



English → Danish



English → Dutch



English → Finnish



English → French



English → Québécois French



English → German



English → Hindi



English → Icelandic



English → Italian



English → Japanese



English → Korean



English → Norwegian



English → Brazilian Portuguese



English → Castilian Spanish (European)



English → Latin American Spanish



English → Swedish



English → Turkish



Spanish subtitle video and image sample,
Calibri font,
45 size,
Yellow color,
gray background,
50% opacity

Spanish Subtitle video and image sample
White Calibri font,
Size 55,
Black background,
100 % opacity

Post Production Script Samples and Prices

Simple CCSL Script

Combined Continuity and Spotting List without spotting.

  • Captions will be placed close to the person speaking.
  • Scene number
  • Frame precise time code in of the scene
  • Visual description of the scene.
  • Dialogue number
  • Time code in
  • Time code out
  • Duration of the dialogue
  • Speakers will be IDed with the dialogue.
  • Italics: Dialogue will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$16.00 per minute

Sample of a Simple CCSL Script

Sample of a
Simple CCSL Script

Comprehensive CCSL Script

Combined Continuity and Spotting List with detailed screen action and shot descriptions with camera movements.

  • Captions will be placed close to the person speaking.
  • Scene number
  • Frame precise time code in of the scene
  • Visual description of the scene. The camera detail will be present as well.
  • Dialogue number
  • Time code in
  • Time code out
  • Duration of the dialogue
  • Speakers will be IDed with the dialogue.
  • Italics: Dialogue will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$18.00 per minute

Sample of a
Comprehensive CCSL Script

CCSL Comprehensive Sample

Comprehensive CCSL Script with Dialogue Annotation

Combined Continuity and Spotting List with detailed screen action and shot descriptions with camera movements. It also includes description and explanations for the dialogue.

  • Captions will be placed close to the person speaking.
  • Speakers will be ID’d if they are speaking off screen.
  • Italics: Captions will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music symbols: Music symbols will be added when music is present.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$21.00 per minute

Sample of a Comprehensive CCSL Script with Annotations Sample

Sample of a
Comprehensive CCSL Script
with Annotations

CCSL with film footage time code

This is the most comprehensive kind of closed captioning that in which the captions are placed closer to the person talking.

  • Captions will be placed close to the person speaking.
  • Speakers will be ID’d if they are speaking off screen.
  • Italics: Captions will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music symbols: Music symbols will be added when music is present.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$21.00 per minute

Sample of a Comprehensive CCSL Script with film time code

Sample of a
Comprehensive CCSL Script
with film time code

Simple Dialogue List

A simple dialogue list contains the dialogue number, time code in, speaker ID and the dialogue.

  • Dialogue number
  • Time code in
  • Time code out
  • Duration of the dialogue
  • Speakers will be IDed for every dialogue.
  • Dialogue is broken down into individual subtitles/captions.
  • Italics: Captions will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music symbols: Music symbols will be added when music is present.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$5.00 per minute

A Sample of Simple Dialogue List

Comprehensive Dialogue List with dialogue annotations.

This is the most comprehensive dialogue List. In addition to all of the features of the simple dialogue list it also contains time code out and the duration of the dialogue.

  • Dialogue number
  • Time code in
  • Time code out
  • Duration of the dialogue
  • Dialogue with Annotations
  • Speakers will be IDed for every dialogue.
  • Dialogue is broken down into individual subtitles/captions.
  • Italics: Captions will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music symbols: Music symbols will be added when music is present.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$8.00 per minute

Comprehensive Dialogue List Sample

Sample of Comprehensive Dialogue List.

As Broadcast Script

A simpler version of an As Broadcast Script has all the elements of a comprehensive ABS except that the visual descriptions are succinct.

  • Italics: Dialogue will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Action on the screen is described in detail but shot detail such as camera angles are not present.
  • Music symbols: Music symbols will be added when music is present.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$14.00 per minute

Sample As Broadcast Script

Comprehensive As Broadcast Script

The comprehensive As Broadcast Script is written in the similar way as its simpler version but it is more detail oriented with camera movement, placement and technical aspects of film production.

  • Italics: Captions will be italicized if the speaker is not in the scene.
  • Music symbols: Music symbols will be added when music is present.
  • Music description: Music description will be added when it is pertinent (peppy music, somber music, eerie music).
  • Lyrics: Lyrics will be added if pertinent (for a theme song, or if a character is singing).
  • Dialog description: The dialog will be described if pertinent (whispers, whines, shouting).

$16.00 per minute

Sample As Broadcast Script Comprehensive

Comprehensive As Broadcast Script sample

Transcription with Time Code

  • Camera tapes with intermittent time code every minute or so and with every speaker change.

$2.25 per minute

Sample of transcription with intermittent time code

Sample of transcription with intermittent time code.