
Pop art girls whispering on each other's ear sharing a secret about Audio Description
A vibrant pop art illustration features a stylish woman in retro attire, striking a dynamic pose as she points her finger at Audio Description explanation.

Hearing is Seeing
with Audio Description

Like the title suggests audio description is a novel way for visually impaired people (who are blind, have low vision, or cognitive disabilities) to enjoy watching a movie, a TV show, or any visual media by giving them a narration of what’s happening on the screen. It is also called video description or descriptive video. It helps them process visual information.
Audio Description, AD in short, works by inserting an additional audio track in the film, TV show, or any visual media. It narrates scene changes, actions, and important visual elements conveyed through dialogues or sound effects. It might include details about the characters, settings, and actions taking place on the screen. AD is a boon for the visually impaired or blind people as it provides an inclusive experience for them to enjoy the content.
AD is created by trained professionals who watch the content and record the narration of key visual elements on a separate Audio Track. It is precisely timed to fit it in between the dialogues and sound effects of the main content. This separate Audio Track is played alongside with the regular audio track and is made accessible through a separate hearing device or app.
AD service is becoming the new norm in reaching a wider audience for video content creators across the world. It plays a crucial role in ensuring people with visual disabilities get fully engaged with and enjoy a wide range of media and cultural experiences.

Talking Type's Unique Process for Audio Description for Films

We are particularly meticulous in Audio Describing the films that we work with. Audio description is a very nuanced kind of writing. One has to be a minimalist and a perfectionist at the same time. A writer takes a lot of time and experience to understand that not everything needs to be described. And how to live without describing what needs to be described but can’t be if there is no pause in the dialogue. It’s a fine art to not see with your eyes open and to see with your eyes closed.
Here’s our entire process of Audio Description

Step 1

Create the AD document: Using our proprietary software that we created especially for Audio Descriptions, our writers will go through the movie writing descriptions where they find a gap in the audio.

Step 2

Once the writing part is completed, we use AI voice that works in conjunction with our software to create the audio file with the AD.

Step 3

This audio file is encoded to the proxy video that you send to us that we work on.

Step 4

We send you the video with the AD to approve and suggest any changes.

Step 5

We create another copy of the AD video for final approval.

Step 6

Once approved, we then get a human voice to voice the parts.

Step 7

These individual parts are again encoded to the proxy video for your approval.

Step 8

At this stage, we send you the audio file that you can send to your post house to marry into the original High Resolution movie. This is best done by a professional studio.

Comprehensive CCSL Sample by Talking Type Captions
Combined Continuity and Spotting List

What's the Difference between Standard Audio Description and Extended Audio Description continuity scripts?

A CDSL — Combined Dialogue and Spotting List , is a spotting list that is combined with a complete dialogue list. It does not contain continuity (visual descriptions) but instead the complete dialogue is noted in its entirety. In addition the dialogue is also presented in the form of subtitles (spotting list).
A CCSL — Combined Continuity and Spotting List — contains visual descriptions (continuity) which is a shot by shot description detailing the action on the screen from the beginning of a shot to the end of the shot. It notes the camera angels, the action on the screen, any graphics or chyrons, lower-thirds, any signs or words on any article in the shot. It is a visual in word form. Each shot has its time code in and time code out noted along with the total duration of each shot.
Comprehensive Dialogue Sample by Talking Type Captions
Comprehensive Dialogue Spotting
A vibrant pop art illustration features a stylish woman in retro attire, striking a dynamic pose as she points her finger at Audio Description explanation.

Hearing is Seeing
with Audio Description

Like the title suggests audio description is a novel way for visually impaired people (who are blind, have low vision, or cognitive disabilities) to enjoy watching a movie, a TV show, or any visual media by giving them a narration of what’s happening on the screen. It is also called video description or descriptive video. It helps them process visual information.
Audio Description, AD in short, works by inserting an additional audio track in the film, TV show, or any visual media. It narrates scene changes, actions, and important visual elements conveyed through dialogues or sound effects. It might include details about the characters, settings, and actions taking place on the screen. AD is a boon for the visually impaired or blind people as it provides an inclusive experience for them to enjoy the content.
AD is created by trained professionals who watch the content and record the narration of key visual elements on a separate Audio Track. It is precisely timed to fit it in between the dialogues and sound effects of the main content. This separate Audio Track is played alongside with the regular audio track and is made accessible through a separate hearing device or app.
AD service is becoming the new norm in reaching a wider audience for video content creators across the world. It plays a crucial role in ensuring people with visual disabilities get fully engaged with and enjoy a wide range of media and cultural experiences.